learning takes guts

Learning doesn’t come easy. 

It takes time to observe, consider, synthesize. It takes patience. 

It takes willingness to be uncomfortable. To work outside your comfort zone. 

You have to admit you don’t know how to do something. Admit that you want to know. And face the possibility that you may or may not be able to master whatever it is you are trying to learn.

Learning takes practice, feedback, reflection.

It’s not efficient. It’s messy. You have to make mistakes. You have to methodically work through all the steps. Sometimes back up and do some steps over. Slow it down. Speed it up. You have to then do it again. And do it again again. Repeating that positive skill or behavior. 

Learning is not for the weak, the lazy, the uncommitted.

Learning takes commitment.

It takes guts.

In Susan Ambrose’s book “How Learning Works,” as an expert educator she talks about creating the environment to reach an optimal state of discomfort for a student. That some discomfort is inherent when one is in a learning state, but if the discomfort becomes overwhelming, the learner can start to shut down – not let as much information in – become resistant, defiant, and demotivated to learn. She talks about making uncertainty safe, avoiding the notion of a single right answer, examining your assumptions…

All of these elements are useful to consider. Whether you are learning an instrument, a web development programming language, or networking to get to know a new community or team.

The good news is you are experiencing all of these things because you are brave. Because you are driven. Because you have a natural curiosity that drives you to grow. 

Well done!


in the presence of greatness


Learn The Hard Way, Then Let It Be Easy